
Erro com xampp

Problem detected! 19:17:05 [mysql] Port 3306 in use by "Unable to open process"! 19:17:05 [mysql] MySQL WILL NOT start without the configured ports free! 19:17:05 [mysql] You need to uninstall/disable/reconfigure the blocking application 19:17:05 [mysql] or reconfigure MySQL and the Control Panel to listen on a different port Error: MySQL shutdown unexpectedly. 11:39:32 [mysql] This may be due to a blocked port, missing dependencies, 11:39:32 [mysql] improper privileges, a crash, or a shutdown by another method. 11:39:32 [mysql] Press the Logs button to view error logs and check 11:39:32 [mysql] the Windows Event Viewer for more clues 11:39:32 [mysql] If you need more help, copy and post this 11:39:32 [mysql] entire log window on the forums

1 resposta

Olá, Richard.

Tudo bem?

Parece que o problema é na porta do MySql no XAMPP talvez alterando a porta ele funcione.

Tem esses dois tópicos sobre isso, veja se algum te ajuda:

  1. https://cursos.alura.com.br/forum/topico-erro-ao-iniciar-o-mysql-no-xampp-22739

  2. https://cursos.alura.com.br/forum/topico-erro-ao-iniciar-mysql-com-xampp-control-17494

Espero ter ajudado de alguma forma. Valeu Richard.