Ao colocar o código como está instruído na aula:
plt.pie(contagemdelingua["total"], labels = contagemdelingua["originallanguage"])
Está retornando o seguinte erro:
KeyError Traceback (most recent call last) /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/pandas/core/indexes/ in get_loc(self, key, method, tolerance) 3360 try: -> 3361 return self.engine.getloc(casted_key) 3362 except KeyError as err:
4 frames pandas/libs/hashtableclass_helper.pxi in pandas.libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.getitem()
pandas/libs/hashtableclass_helper.pxi in pandas.libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.getitem()
KeyError: 'original_language'
The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
KeyError Traceback (most recent call last) /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/pandas/core/indexes/ in get_loc(self, key, method, tolerance) 3361 return self.engine.getloc(casted_key) 3362 except KeyError as err: -> 3363 raise KeyError(key) from err 3364 3365 if is_scalar(key) and isna(key) and not self.hasnans:
KeyError: 'original_language'
Já reiniciei e executei o notebook todo no ambiente de execução mas não resolveu