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Christian Eduardo Silva de Oliveira


Serenatto Café & Bistro

Click here to visit the Serenatto Café & Bistro website

This is the README file for the Serenatto Café & Bistro website. It provides an overview of the website structure and functionality.

Introduction | Features | File Structure | Usage | Dependencies


Serenatto Café & Bistro is a website that showcases a café and bistro establishment. It provides information about their services, products, and contact details. The website is designed to be visually appealing and user-friendly, allowing visitors to explore the café's offerings and get in touch with them easily.


  • Navigation: The website has a responsive navigation menu that allows users to navigate between different sections of the website.
  • Services Section: The services section highlights the café's offerings, including café and bistro, buffet, and delivery services.
  • Product Showcase: The website dynamically generates product cards using JavaScript, showcasing the café's various coffee products.
  • Contact Form: The contact form allows users to submit their contact information and preferences.
  • Dark Mode: The website includes a dark mode toggle switch, allowing users to switch between light and dark themes.

File Structure

The project's file structure is organized as follows:

├── assets/              # Directory for storing images and logos
├── json/                # Directory for storing JSON data
├── app/                 # Directory for JavaScript modules
│   ├── showProducts.js  # JavaScript module for displaying products
│   ├── productModal.js  # JavaScript module for modal functionality
│   └── mode.js          # JavaScript module for dark mode functionality
├── index.html           # Main HTML file
├── styles.css           # Main CSS file
└──            # README file


To use this project, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository or download the source code.
  2. Open the index.html file in a web browser.


The project has the following dependencies:

  • Bootstrap (v5.3.0-alpha2) - CSS and JavaScript framework for responsive design and UI components.

The Bootstrap library is loaded from the following external source:

<script src="[email protected]/dist/js/bootstrap.bundle.min.js"

Make sure you have an internet connection to load this dependency.

serenattoLightMode serenattoTabletMobile