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Christian Eduardo Silva de Oliveira


  • JavaScript
  • HTML
  • CSS

Currency Conversion Project

This project allows users to convert currencies using real-time exchange rates. It provides a user-friendly interface for selecting the source currency and target currency, and displays the converted values in a graph.


  • Currency selection: Users can choose the source currency and target currency from the provided dropdown menus.
  • Real-time conversion: The application fetches the latest exchange rates from an API and performs the currency conversion.
  • Graph visualization: The converted currency values are plotted on a line graph, allowing users to visualize the currency trends over time.


Before running the project, ensure that you have the following:

  • Internet connection: The application requires an active internet connection to fetch the exchange rates.
  • Web browser: The project is designed to run on a web browser.

Getting Started

To get started with the project, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.
  2. Open the project directory in a web browser.
  3. Ensure that the currencyCode.json file is located in the correct path: ../script/currencyCode.json.
  4. Launch the application by opening the index.html file in your web browser.


  1. Select the source currency: Choose the currency you want to convert from the dropdown menu labeled "Convert From".
  2. Select the target currency: Choose the currency you want to convert to from the dropdown menu labeled "Convert To".
  3. Real-time conversion: The application will fetch the latest exchange rates and perform the currency conversion automatically.
  4. Graph visualization: The converted currency values will be displayed on the line graph, showing the currency trends over time.

Code Overview

The project consists of the following key components:

  • getTime(): A function that retrieves the current time.
  • addData(graph, label, data, titleLabel): A function that adds data to the graph for visualization.
  • currencyGraph and graph: Chart.js objects that handle the rendering of the line graph.
  • getCurrencyFrom(): A function that listens for changes in the "Convert From" dropdown menu and sends a message to the currency conversion worker.
  • getCurrencyTo(): A function that listens for changes in the "Convert To" dropdown menu and sends a message to the currency conversion worker.
  • workerCurrency: A web worker that handles the currency conversion logic and receives messages from the main thread.
  • Event listener: The project listens for messages from the currency conversion worker and updates the graph with the converted values.


The currency conversion project utilizes the following technologies and resources:

  • JavaScript: Programming language used for the project implementation.
  • HTML/CSS: Markup and styling languages for building the user interface.
  • Chart.js: JavaScript library for creating interactive charts and graphs.
  • AwesomeAPI: External API used to fetch real-time exchange rates.

Future Enhancements

The project is a work in progress, and the following enhancements are planned for the future:

  • Improved error handling: Implement better error handling for API failures and network issues.
  • Historical data: Add support for fetching and visualizing historical currency conversion data.
  • Additional graph features: Enhance the graph with more interactive features such as zooming and tooltips.

Feel free to contribute to the project by submitting bug reports, feature requests, or pull requests. Your feedback and contributions are greatly appreciated!


The Currency Conversion Project is released under the MIT License.


🪧 Vitrine.Dev Christian Oliveira
Nome ByteBank
🏷️ Tecnologias JavaScript, HTML, CSS
🚀 URL Execute aqui o projeto