Início Profile Projeto
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Breno Bosser Morim


  • JavaScript
  • WebSockets
  • HTML
  • CSS


Status: Finished

Meu projeto final para o curso CS50, curso de introdução à Ciência da Computação de Harvard, por isso foi feito completamente em inglês. ZipZop é um app de mensagens assim como WhatsApp, desenvolvido em JavaScript com Web Sockets.

🪧 Vitrine.Dev
Nome ZipZop
🏷️ Tecnologias JavaScript, WebSockets,, HTML, CSS

Video Demo:

Project Description

My CS50 final project: ZipZop is a messaging app inspired by WhatsApp, here in Brazil some people like to call it this way, that's why I've chosen this name for my final project. ZipZop was developed in JavaScript, Express was used to instantiate a server and make the HTML page accessible, made it possible to send and receive messages in real time by using WebSockets and event-oriented programming. For the database, I used sqlite3, with the library better-sqlite3 to connect to it and execute the commands. Crypto was used to protect messages with encryption and BCrypt to hash passwords. The logo design and the planning for the project were done with Figma. Bootstrap helped with some default styles, such as inputs and the font-family.


  • send messages safely to anybody
  • message encryption and decryption
  • login and register
  • password hashing
  • start chats with whoever you want
  • inclusion and display of profile picture
  • update of personal data
  • search for a specifig chat
  • sorting and pagination in chat messages
  • responsive pages available in desktop and mobile

Security Features

  • SQL injection: By using prepared statements and libraries to execute queries, user input is sanitized before being put in the SQL commands.
  • XSS: When displaying the user information and messages, it's important to use the textContent attribute instead of innerHTML. Directly changing the innerHTML can make it possible for users to inject and run malicious JavaScript code using script tags inside messages, for example.
  • Password hashing: All the passwords are hashed before being inserted in the database, it's a one way operation, so a hacker can't discover the password easily.
  • JWT: JWT tokens were used to authenticate users, with middlewares and namespaces in the WebSockets.
  • Message encryption: The messages are encrypted when inserted, only decrypted when requested by the front-end. This encryption utilize a key and an initialization vector, both provided through environment variables.
  • Encoding images with base64: base64 makes it easier to display messages in HTML, besides that, it prevents users from injecting malicious scritps disguised as images, and even if they manage to achieve that, the code won't be executed. Storing images in a database instead of the file system, makes it harder for hackers to access them as well.


Home page when not logged

Register - For those new to the app

Register page

Login - Simple login page

Login page

Home (logged) - Shows the chats of the user

Home page when logged

Profile - Where you can change your personal data

Profile page

Start chat - Where you can start a chat with your friend

Start chat page

Chat - Shows the messages of a specific chat

Chat page

Project structure

  • node_modules: contains all the dependencies.
  • project-images: images to display here.
  • public: contains static JS, HTML and CSS files.
    • assets: images used in the pages.
      • complete-logo.svg: Logo with the text.
      • default-profile-picture.svg: Displayed when the user doesn't have a profile picture.
      • favicon.ico: Appears alongside the title in the browser.
      • logo.svg: Only the logo.
    • css: CSS files.
      • chat.css: CSS for the chat page.
      • chats.css: CSS for the logged homepage.
      • form.css: CSS for the register and login forms.
      • header.css: CSS for the header.
      • index.css: CSS for the not logged homepage.
      • notification.css: CSS for the notifications.
      • profile.css: CSS for the profile page.
      • styles.css: Encapsulates the imports of the other CSS files, sets variables and contains global styles.
    • chat: contains the chat page related files.
    • chats: contains files related to the home page when logged.
    • homeNotLogged: contains the HTML and JS used in the homepage when the user is not logged.
    • login: files related to the login logic.
    • newChat: allows the user to start new chats.
    • profile: features related to changes in your personal information.
    • register: account creation.
    • utils: contains helper functions.
    • index.html: Home page, which is changed dynamically if the user is logged or not.
    • index.js: Changes the index.html file based in the user.
  • src: Includes all the back-end related files.
    • db: Contains database related files.
      • db-schema.js: Exports a string with the commands to create the tables: users, chats and messages; and the indexes as well, to make queries more performatic.
      • db.js: Connects to the database and exports it.
      • user.js: Operations related to the users table.
      • chats.js: Operations related to the messages and chats tables.
    • service: Includes helper functions related to security and database manipulation.
      • authenticationService.js: Uses BCrypt to hash passwords and verify them to login. The key and Initialization Vector must be provided by environment variables.
      • JWTService.js: Provides jwt creation and verification
      • encryptionService.js: Uses Crypto to encrypt and decrypt messages.
      • userDto.js: Sanitizes the user data, avoiding the leakage of sensible data, such as the hashed password. Guarantees only the necessary information of the user is returned to the front-end.
    • middlewares: Contains the middlewares of the server.
      • authenticateUser.js: Guarantees the restriction of some routes if the user is not logged.
    • app.js: Instantiates the server, loads both the db.js and socket-backend.js files. The port used by the server can be configured with environment variables.
    • registerEvents: Includes all mits and listens to all the events that come from the front-end. Calls functions from db and service to make all the application workthe events that can be transmitted to the front-end
      • auth.js: Authentication related events (login, register, logout)
      • home.js: Loads the homepage with all data
      • chat.js: Chat related events (loading, creating, sending messages)
      • profile.js: Events related to the user profile (profile picture, password and nickname changes)
    • socket-backend.js: Encapsulates the registration of the events.

Running project

git clone zipzop
cd zipzop
npm install
npm start

That's it =)