My solution for the TicTacToe project of the CS50AI course.
🪧 Vitrine.Dev | |
✨ Nome | TicTacToe |
🏷️ Tecnologias | Python, Pygame |
About the project
CS50AI exercise link: https://cs50.harvard.edu/ai/2020/projects/0/tictactoe/
The runner.py file was created by the CS50AI staff, so my task as a student was to develop a MiniMax algorithm in order to build a bot able to play TicTacToe and always win or tie.
Try it yourself
To run the game yourself, just run the following commands:
git clone https://github.com/BrenoMorim/tictactoe.git tictactoe
cd tictactoe
virtualenv .venv
source ./.venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python runner.py
Veja meu projeto em: https://github.com/BrenoMorim/tictactoe