Início Profile Projeto
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Breno Bosser Morim


  • React
  • Next.js
  • JS
  • HTML
  • CSS


My custom portfolio, available in English and Portuguese. Developed in JavaScript with Next and React.

🪧 Vitrine.Dev
Nome Portfolio
🏷️ Tecnologias React, Next.js, JS, HTML, CSS


The projects uses React to create custom components and organize the structure of the page, and also to generate dynamic HTML, based on the contents of the data directory of the src folder. I used the library animate.css to create a few animations.

Project structure

  • pages: Folder containing the pages and special files for Next configuration
  • public: Contains images and icons, such as the background images and the social media icons
  • src: Source code
    • components: Includes each section of the page, with subcomponents as well
    • context: Controls the language context of the project, since it's available both in English and Portuguese
    • data: Contains the information to be rendered, such as the projects I have done, the texts, the technologies I work with and also the courses I have taken
    • util: Folder that contains utilitary functions
  • styles: Concentrates all the css, which is used globally