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Breno Bosser Morim

CS50 Finance

  • Python
  • Flask
  • HTML
  • Bootstrap
  • CSS

CS50 Finance

My solution for the CS50 finance project of the CS50x course.

🪧 Vitrine.Dev
Nome CS50 Finance
🏷️ Tecnologias Python, Flask, HTML, Bootstrap, CSS

About the project

CS50 exercise link:

The file and also some functions of the file were provided by the CS50 staff, so my task as a student was to develop the following features: register, quote, buy, homepage, sell, history and some personal touches as well. I did all the requirements and for the personal touch, I implemented the features of changing passwords, adding cash and also withdrawing money.

Try it yourself

To run the game yourself, just run the following commands:

git clone finance
cd finance
virtualenv .venv
source ./.venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
flask run

In order for the project to work properly, you will also need a file called finance.db, which should contain an SQLite database. Furthermore, you must create a .env file containing the variable API_KEY, which is necessary for the IEX cloud service: