James Willians Felix Saraiva

James Willians Felix Saraiva


I have been acting as an Oracle Software Developer since 2021, and throughout that period, I have worked with technologies such as PL/SQL, Oracle Application Express, Oracle Database, JavaScript, REST API, and others. During my time at the HCFMUSP Heart Institute, I have had the opportunity to solve many problems, some of which were related to assistance processes, such as patient distance monitoring, results evolution, key performance indicators (KPIs), and more.

Atividade nos últimos 30 dias

ganhou 400 pontos em 26/09/2024
ganhou 300 pontos em 27/09/2024

Curso concluído

  • Data de início: 24/07/2024 Data de finalização: 28/07/2024
    Governança de dados: explorando os conceitos fundamentais
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