I am a dynamic, self-motivated, and committed professional with, Bachelor Degree in Computer Engineering, with several certifications and over 11 years of experience in the field. I have distinguished myself by presenting a logical, analytical and creative approach to solve complex problems. I have been offering efficient solutions supporting ERP and CRM systems and I have an advanced level of networking knowledge.
Áreas de interesse
Atividade nos últimos 30 dias
ganhou 400 pontos
em 09/12/2024
ganhou 2000 pontos
em 11/12/2024
Formações concluídas
Formação SQL com Microsoft SQL Server 2017
Concluído em 14/09/2021Ver certificado -
Formação Aprenda a programar em JavaScript com foco no back-end
Concluído em 25/11/2021Ver certificado -
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