Last login: Thu Apr 16 21:55:01 on ttys000
MacBook-de-luana:~ luana$ curl -s | bash -s 7.3
Detected OS X El Capitan 10.11. All ok.
Get packager.tgz
Unpack packager.tgz
Please type in your password, as we want to install this into /usr/local
WARNING: Improper use of the sudo command could lead to data loss
or the deletion of important system files. Please double-check your
typing when using sudo. Type "man sudo" for more information.
To proceed, enter your password, or type Ctrl-C to abort.
Start packager (may take some time) using /usr/bin/python2.7
WARNING: Improper use of the sudo command could lead to data loss
or the deletion of important system files. Please double-check your
typing when using sudo. Type "man sudo" for more information.
To proceed, enter your password, or type Ctrl-C to abort.
Sorry, try again.
/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Resources/ can't open file '/usr/local/packager/': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
MacBook-de-luana:~ luana$