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The controller for URI "/medicos" is not callable: Controller "App\Controller\MedicosController" cannot be fetched from the container because it is private. Did you forget to tag the service with "controller.service_arguments"?

Curso: Symfony Parte 1: Criação de uma API Restful Aula 03 Atividade 02

Ao clicar em send no postman estava retornando o seguinte erro: The controller for URI "/medicos" is not callable: Controller "App\Controller\MedicosController" cannot be fetched from the container because it is private. Did you forget to tag the service with "controller.service_arguments"?

Consegui solucionar acrescentando public: true no arquivo services.yaml da pasta config ficou assim:

    # default configuration for services in *this* file
        autowire: true      # Automatically injects dependencies in your services.
        autoconfigure: true # Automatically registers your services as commands, event subscribers, etc.
        public: true

então fica a dica pra quem está com essa mesma situação.

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