
The command 'docker' could not be found in this WSL 1 distro

Está apresentando esse erro, poderia me ajudar?

The command 'docker' could not be found in this WSL 1 distro. We recommend to convert this distro to WSL 2 and activate the WSL integration in Docker Desktop settings.

For details about using Docker Desktop with WSL 2, visit:


3 respostas

estudodocker@PauloVictor-Pc:/mnt/c/Users/paulo$ wsl --set-deafult-version 2 Unknown command: --set-deafult-version WSL Wsman Shell commandLine, version 0.2.1


COMMANDS: identify - WS-Identify enum - WS-Enumerate get - WS-Get put - WS-Put invoke - WS-Invoke xclean - Delete all files generated by this tool set xcred - Create or display credential file xcert - Get server certificate (saved to .crt)

PARAMS specification is specific to a COMMAND.

Output will be saved to ./response.xml. If you want to run parallel executions in the same directory, define RTFILEPREFIX in the environment. Doing so may significantly increase files generated.

Requires: curl, xmllint, GNU core utilities. Optional: xsltproc for output formatting, gpg for encrypted credential. Optional: wget as alternate for curl when not available.

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Oi, Paulo. Tudo bem?

Pelo que você postou aqui, você executou "wsl --set-deafult-version 2", mas o correto seria "wsl --set-default-version 2".

Lembrando que depois será necessário ir até as configurações do Docker Desktop e ativar a integração com wsl.

Espero ter ajudado. Bons estudos!