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[Sugestão] Imagens multiestáveis

No curso Design Gráfico com Gestalt: desenvolva um projeto gráfico, primeiro bloco, página "A Gestalt", identifiquei na passagem abaixo uma possível imprecisão:

  1. Multiestabilidade: a interpretação do objeto pode ser ambígua: mais de uma forma é vista ao mesmo tempo.

Ocorre que a literatura aponta recorrentemente não ser possível visualizar as diferentes possibilidades em um mesmo momento. As diferentes possibilidades só podem ser vistas de forma alternada.


Curso: Philosophy and the Sciences: Introduction to the Philosophy of Cognitive Sciences - The University of Edinburgh - Lecture 2.2 What is Consciousness Part II

"And most well-known example of a bistable image is the Necker Cube, which can be perceived as if one side of it is in front or as if the other side of it is in front. The Necker Cube has all three hallmarks of a bistable image. First of all, it has two possible conscious interpretations. Second, you can't see both interpretations at the same time. Try it. And third, these interpretations tend to alternate every few seconds."

Artigo: Brain mechanisms for simple perception and bistable perception; Megan Wang, Daniel Arteaga, and Biyu J. He.

"When viewing an image with multiple interpretations such as the Necker cube, subjective perception alternates stochastically between the different interpretations. This phenomenon provides a well-controlled experimental approach to studying how the brain responds to ambiguities in sensory inputs—a ubiquitous problem in dealing with natural environment. We found that, compared with simple perception devoid of ambiguities, bistable perception requires additional higher-order brain regions and dramatically enhanced top-down and bottom-up influences in the brain. Intermittent viewing of ambiguous images elicits even stronger top-down brain activity. These results help elucidate the mechanisms of visual perception by demonstrating an active top-down inferential process."

Já havia sugerido uma alteração nesse sentido, mas ao que identifiquei, não houve nenhum feedback a respeito.

1 resposta

Olá, Rodrigo

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