Criei o arquivo vagrantfile, no repositório musicjungle, naveguei no terminal até a a pasta e executei o comando vagrant up. O seguinte erro ocorre:
VirtualBox is complaining that the kernel module is not loaded. Please
run VBoxManage --version
or open the VirtualBox GUI to see the error
message which should contain instructions on how to fix this error.
Rodando o comando 'VBoxManage --version', obtive o seguinte erro:
WARNING: The vboxdrv kernel module is not loaded. Either there is no module available for the current kernel (4.15.0-24-generic) or it failed to load. Please recompile the kernel module and install it by
sudo /sbin/vboxconfig
You will not be able to start VMs until this problem is fixed. 5.2.14r123301
Alguém sabe como resolver?