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Requisiçao AJAX em um droparea

Onde devo inserir o requisição ajax para enviar e salvar a img por upload nesse código?

<script type="text/javascript" >

        $(document).ready(function() {
            var options1 = {
                type: 'json',    
                action: '/financeiro/fotos/uploadFile/',
                file_holder: '#file_1',
                file_preview: '#file_preview_1',
                success: function( server_return, name, uploaded_file ){

                    var oFReader = new FileReader();
                    var _drop = $('#drop1');

                    _drop.after( $('<p />').html( 'File sent: <b>' + name + '</b>' ) );

                    oFReader.readAsDataURL( uploaded_file );
                    oFReader.onload = function (oFREvent)
                        $( '#file_preview_1' ).animate({opacity: 0}, 'slow', function(){
                            // change the image source
                                .attr('src',{opacity: 1}, 'fast')
                                .on('load', function()
                                        width: _drop.outerWidth(),
                                        height: _drop.outerHeight()

                            // remove the alert block whenever it exists.
                            _drop.find('.statusbar.alert-block').fadeOut('slow', function(){ $(this).remove(); });

            var options2 = {
                type: 'json',
                url: 'server.php',
                action: '/financeiro/',
                file_holder: '#file_2',
                file_preview: '#file_preview_2',
                success: function( server_return, name, uploaded_file )
                    console.log(server_return, name, uploaded_file );
                    var oFReader = new FileReader();
                    var _drop = $('#drop2');

                    _drop.after( $('<p />').html( 'File sent: <b>' + name + '</b>' ) );

                    oFReader.readAsDataURL( uploaded_file );
                    oFReader.onload = function (oFREvent)
                        $( '#file_preview_2' ).animate({opacity: 0}, 'slow', function(){
                            // change the image source
                                .attr('src',{opacity: 1}, 'fast')
                                .on('load', function()
                                        width: _drop.outerWidth(),
                                        height: _drop.outerHeight()

                            // remove the alert block whenever it exists.
                            _drop.find('.statusbar.alert-block').fadeOut('slow', function(){ $(this).remove(); });
            // Exemples
(function( $ ) {
    "use strict";


    // default options
    defaults = {
        // server url
        url: 'path/to/server/script',

        // whenever set to false, droparea won't upload the file to server, but set it into a local 'file' field instead.
        // if false, a 'file_holder' is required
        upload: true,

        // the file holder to place files when 'upload' is set to false
        // ignored when 'upload' is set to true.
        file_holder: '#file',

        // whenever uploading an image file and file_preview is given
        // droparea tries to intercept the manual selection of files on 'file_holder'
        // and display the selected image on 'file_preview' as soon as it is selected.
        file_preview: '#file_preview',

        // delay to remove the 'complete' notification (milisenconds)
        notification_delay: 5000,

        // accepted extensions for upload
        // set null or false for all files
        accepted: '.jpg|.png|.gif',

        // the file max size allowed for upload
        file_max_size: 2048,

        // extra data that would be necessary to subimit with file
        // it's supposed to be only html form elements, such as: input, select, etc.
        // must be an array with the id of elements (# is not required)
        extra_data: [],

        // a success callback, called after upload is complete
        // there are two arguments passed: server_response_obj and file_name whenever the server returns it
        success: null,

        i18n: {
            unable_to_upload: 'Unable to upload at this time.<br >Select a file.',
            wrong_file_type: 'Unacceptable file type!<br >Try: %s',
            wrong_file_size: 'Dropped file is too big!<br >Max file size allowed: %s',
            abort: 'Abort',
            mb: ' MB',
            kb: ' KB',
            percent: '% ',
            dismiss: 'Dismiss',
            error: 'Err: '

    // plugin methods
    methods = {

        // initialize
        init: function( options )
            return this.each( function() {

                var drop_area = $( this    ),
                      file = null,
                      form_data = null,
                      statusbar = null,
                o = {};

            o = $.extend({}, defaults, options);

                // intercepts the 'file_holder' element to assure that
                // whenever user selects an image file from there, it will be displayed as preview.
                if ( $(o.file_holder).length && $(o.file_preview).length )
              $( o.file_holder ).on('change', function(ev)
                var oFReader = new FileReader();

                oFReader.readAsDataURL( $( this )[0].files[0] );
                oFReader.onload = function (oFREvent)
                  $( o.file_preview ).animate({opacity: 0}, 'slow', function(){
                    // change the image source
                    $(this).attr('src',{opacity: 1}, 'slow');

                    // remove the alert block whenever it exists.
                    drop_area.find('.statusbar.alert-block').fadeOut('slow', function(){ $(this).remove(); });

                // need to explicit the parent position definition
                // to prevent problems with statusbar style.
                drop_area.parent().css('position', drop_area.parent().css('position') );

                // setup handlers
                    .on('click', function (ev)
              // prevent event bubble propagation

              // simulate that user is selecting the file, but not dropping it instead
              $( o.file_holder ).click();
                    .on('dragenter', function (ev)
              // prevent event bubble propagation

              // apply a new style on droppable area
              drop_area.addClass( 'droparea-dragging' );
                    .on('dragleave', function (ev)
              // prevent event bubble propagation

              // restore original style
              drop_area.removeClass( 'droparea-dragging' );
                    .on('dragover', function (ev)
              // prevent event bubble propagation

              // apply a new style on droppable area
              drop_area.addClass( 'droparea-dragging' );
                    .on('drop', function (ev)

              // apply a new style on droppable area
              drop_area.toggleClass( 'droparea-dropped droparea-dragging' );

              // get the original file
              file = ev.originalEvent.dataTransfer.files[0];

              // do not upload when options.upload is set to false
              // open the file selection for 'file_holder' instead.
              if ( !o.upload )
                _createAlertBlock( o, drop_area, o.i18n.unable_to_upload, true, false );


              // check if dropped file is allowed
              if ( o.accepted !== null && typeof o.accepted != 'boolean' )
                if ( o.accepted.toLowerCase().indexOf('.') ).toLowerCase() ) === -1 )
                  _createAlertBlock( o, drop_area, o.i18n.wrong_file_type.replace('%s', '<b >' + o.accepted.split('|').join('</b> or <b >') + '</b>') );

              // check if dropped file weight is allowed
              if ( (file.size / 1024) > o.file_max_size )
                _createAlertBlock( o, drop_area, o.i18n.wrong_file_size.replace('%s', '<b >' + o.file_max_size + ' ' + o.i18n.kb + '</b>') );

              // define form data
              form_data = new FormData();
              form_data.append(o.file_holder.replace('#', ''), file);

              // append on form_data all extra data
              if ( o.extra_data !== null )
                for( var i in o.extra_data)
                  if ( $( '#' + o.extra_data[i].replace('#', '') ).length )
                    form_data.append(o.extra_data[i].replace('#', ''), $( '#' + o.extra_data[i].replace('#', '') ).val());

              // create the statusbar in order to set submition progress
              statusbar = new _createStatusBar( drop_area, o );
              statusbar.setFileNameSize(, file.size );

              _sendFileToServer(form_data, statusbar, drop_area, file, o);


            } ); // this.each


    // counter for submitions.
    _sent = 0,

    _createStatusBar = function( obj, o )
        _sent++;    // count the new submition

        this.statusbar      = $('<div class="statusbar statusbar-' + _sent + '"></div>');
        this.filename       = $('<div class="filename"></div>').appendTo(this.statusbar);
        this.size             = $('<div class="filesize"></div>').appendTo(this.statusbar);
        this.progressBar = $('<div class="progressbar"><div></div></div>').appendTo(this.statusbar);
        this.progressBarWidth = 0;
        this.abort          = $('<a class="btn abort">' + o.i18n.abort + '</div>').appendTo(this.statusbar);

        // place statusbar covering all the object
            'width': obj.outerWidth(),
            'height': obj.outerHeight(),
            'top': obj.offset().top,
            'left': obj.offset().left,


        this.setFileNameSize = function(name, size)
            var size_str = '',
                size_kb  = (size / 1024);

            if ( parseInt(size_kb) > 1024)
                size_str = (size_kb / 1024).toFixed(2) + o.i18n.mb;
                size_str = size_kb.toFixed(2) + o.i18n.kb;

            this.filename.html( name );
            this.size.html( size_str );

        this.setProgress = function( progress )
            this.progressBarWidth = progress * this.progressBar.width() / 100;
            this.progressBar.find('div').animate({ width: this.progressBarWidth }, 10).html(progress + o.i18n.percent);

            if ( parseInt(progress) >= 100)

        this.setAbort = function( jqxhr )
            this.abort.on('click', function(ev)


    _createAlertBlock = function( o, target, msg, dismissable, autohide )
        // sanitize arguments
        dismissable = (typeof dismissable != 'undefined' ? dismissable : true);
        autohide = (typeof autohide != 'undefined' ? autohide : true);

        var alertblock = $('<div class="statusbar alert-block"></div>'),
            filename   = $('<div class="filename"></div>').html( msg ).appendTo(alertblock),
            dismiss       = $('<button class="btn dismiss"></button>').html( o.i18n.dismiss );

        // place statusbar covering all the object
            'width': target.outerWidth(),
            'height': target.outerHeight(),
            'top': target.offset().top,
            'left': target.offset().left,


        // implement a dismiss button
        // and inject it when alert block is dismissable
        if ( dismissable )
            dismiss.on('click', function(ev)

                alertblock.fadeOut('fast', function() { $(this).remove(); });

        // whenever alert is autohide
        // make it hidden after notification_delay setting
        if ( autohide )
                alertblock.fadeOut('fast', function() { $(this).remove(); });
            }, o.notification_delay );


    _sendFileToServer = function ( form_data, status, drop_area, file, o )
        var jqXHR = $.ajax( {
                xhr: function()
                    var xhrobj = $.ajaxSettings.xhr();

                    if (xhrobj.upload)
                        xhrobj.upload.addEventListener('progress', function(ev)
                            var percent  = 0,
                                position = (ev.loaded || ev.position),
                                total      =;

                            if (ev.lengthComputable)
                                percent = Math.ceil(position / total * 100);

                            // update progress
                            status.setProgress( percent );
                        }, false);

                    return xhrobj;
                url: o.url,
                type: "POST",
                contentType: false,
                processData: false,
                cache: false,
                data: form_data,
                success: function( r )
            r = $.parseJSON(r);
            status.setProgress( 100 );

            // now it's time to run the callback
            if ( o.success !== null && $.isFunction( o.success ) )
              // call the callback and pass the return from server,
              // the file name (file_name) whenever it exists and the
              // offline uploaded file.
              o.success( r, (typeof r.file_name != 'undefined' ? r.file_name : null), file );

            // remove 'drop' style from droppable area
            drop_area.removeClass( 'droparea-dropped' );

                error: function( jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown)
                    status.progressBar.find('div:first').html( o.i18n.error + errorThrown );

                complete: function( jqXHR, textStatus )
                    // after complete, remove the status
                    setTimeout( function()
                        status.statusbar.fadeOut('fast', function()
                    }, o.notification_delay );

        status.setAbort( jqXHR );

    }; // _sendFileToServer

    $.fn.droparea = function( method )
        if( methods[method] )
            return methods[method].apply( this,, 1) );
        else if( typeof method === 'object' || !method )
            return methods.init.apply( this, arguments );
            $.error('Method '+method+' does not exist on jQuery.droparea()');

2 respostas

Oi Clerman, esse é um código bem específico do seu projeto, ainda é bastante longo. Espero que algum aluno consiga te ajudar, mas dúvidas assim tendem a durar um pouco mais no fórum.


Resolvi por aqui Alberto, obrigado!

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