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Problemas ao importar projeto-spring4

Boa Tarde, segue o problema:

Eclipse Version Oxygen Release 4.7.0

Sequência de passos:

baixei o arquivo em: após descompactar

No eclipse: import Projects from Folder or Archive Import source:C:\Users\Alan\Desktop\Cursos Alura\Java\Sprint com Mauricio\projeto-spring4 Opções marcadas: Search for nested projects Detect and configure project natures Finish

3 Erros

Description Resource Path Location Type

The project was not built since its build path is incomplete. Cannot find the class file for javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest. Fix the build path then try building this

project projeto-spring4 Unknown Java Problem

The superclass "javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet" was not found on the Java Build Path infra-ok.jsp /projeto-spring4/WebContent/WEB-INF/views

line 1 JSP Problem

The type javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files

/projeto-spring4/src/br/com/caelum/contas/interceptor line 1 Java Problem

Mais informações: Em properties for projeto-spring4 Project Facet Dynamic Web Module version 2.5 Java Version 1.7 Java Build Path Nenhum erro notável

1 resposta

Gostaria de pedir para algum moderador fechar este tópico.

Resolvi o problema da seguinte forma.

Em Properties for projeto-conta -> Java Build Path -> Add Library -> Server Runtime -> Apache Tomcat v07. Finish.