
Preciso de ajuda para rodar o app

Olá, baixei o projeto, mas nao está rodando, aparece a seguinte mensagem no terminal:

Launching lib/main.dart on sdk gphone64 arm64 in debug mode... Running Gradle task 'assembleDebug'... You are applying Flutter's app_plugin_loader Gradle plugin imperatively using the apply script method, which is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Migrate to applying Gradle plugins with the declarative plugins block: https://flutter.dev/to/flutter-gradle-plugin-apply

You are applying Flutter's main Gradle plugin imperatively using the apply script method, which is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Migrate to applying Gradle plugins with the declarative plugins block: https://flutter.dev/to/flutter-gradle-plugin-apply

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

  • Where: Script '/Users/hamidacanto/Documents/sdks/flutter/packages/flutter_tools/gradle/src/main/kotlin/dependency_version_checker.gradle.kts' line: 375

  • What went wrong: Failed to apply plugin class 'Dependency_version_checker_gradle$FlutterDependencyCheckerPlugin'.

    Error: Your project's Kotlin version (1.6.10) is lower than Flutter's minimum supported version of 1.7.0. Please upgrade your Kotlin version. Alternatively, use the flag "--android-skip-build-dependency-validation" to bypass this check.

    Potential fix: Your project's KGP version is typically defined in the plugins block of the settings.gradle file (/Users/hamidacanto/Documents/2818-layouts-responsivos-main/android/settings.gradle), by a plugin with the id of org.jetbrains.kotlin.android. If you don't see a plugins block, your project was likely created with an older template version, in which case it is most likely defined in the top-level build.gradle file (/Users/hamidacanto/Documents/2818-layouts-responsivos-main/android/build.gradle) by the ext.kotlin_version property.

  • Try:

    Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

  • Get more help at https://help.gradle.org

BUILD FAILED in 2s Error: Gradle task assembleDebug failed with exit code 1

Se alguem puder me ajudar agradeço muito.

1 resposta

Olá, Hamida, como vai?

O erro que você encontrou está relacionado a dois pontos principais: a versão do Kotlin no projeto e o método usado para aplicar os plugins no Gradle.

Ambos podem ser resolvidos seguindo o mesmo tutorial disponibilizado no próprio log de erro, nesse link. Infelizmente está em inglês, mas é possível compreender bem usando o recurso de tradução que normalmente vem nos navegadores. Se precisar de ajuda ou tiver dúvidas, não hesite em perguntar!

Espero ter ajudado!

Siga firme nos seus estudos e conte com o fórum sempre que precisar!

Abraços :)

Caso este post tenha lhe ajudado, por favor, marcar como solucionado