
PHPMailer não autentica no GMAIL

Poderiam me ajudar por gentileza. Utilizo a versão do PHP 5.6.31 e baixei a versão do PHPMailer 5.4. Erro que ocorre ao tentar enviar e-mail:

2017-10-18 22:17:20 Connection: opening to smtp.gmail.com:587, timeout=300, options=array ( ) 2017-10-18 22:17:20 Connection: opened 2017-10-18 22:17:22 SMTP -> get_lines(): $data is "" 2017-10-18 22:17:22 SMTP -> get_lines(): $str is "220 smtp.gmail.com ESMTP 188sm8098098qkm.89 - gsmtp " 2017-10-18 22:17:22 SERVER -> CLIENT: 220 smtp.gmail.com ESMTP 188sm8098098qkm.89 - gsmtp 2017-10-18 22:17:22 CLIENT -> SERVER: EHLO localhost 2017-10-18 22:17:22 SMTP -> get_lines(): $data is "" 2017-10-18 22:17:22 SMTP -> get_lines(): $str is "250-smtp.gmail.com at your service, [] " 2017-10-18 22:17:22 SMTP -> get_lines(): $data is "250-smtp.gmail.com at your service, [] " 2017-10-18 22:17:22 SMTP -> get_lines(): $str is "250-SIZE 35882577 " 2017-10-18 22:17:22 SMTP -> get_lines(): $data is "250-smtp.gmail.com at your service, [] 250-SIZE 35882577 " 2017-10-18 22:17:22 SMTP -> get_lines(): $str is "250-8BITMIME " 2017-10-18 22:17:22 SMTP -> get_lines(): $data is "250-smtp.gmail.com at your service, [] 250-SIZE 35882577 250-8BITMIME " 2017-10-18 22:17:22 SMTP -> get_lines(): $str is "250-STARTTLS " 2017-10-18 22:17:22 SMTP -> get_lines(): $data is "250-smtp.gmail.com at your service, [] 250-SIZE 35882577 250-8BITMIME 250-STARTTLS " 2017-10-18 22:17:22 SMTP -> get_lines(): $str is "250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES " 2017-10-18 22:17:22 SMTP -> get_lines(): $data is "250-smtp.gmail.com at your service, [] 250-SIZE 35882577 250-8BITMIME 250-STARTTLS 250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES " 2017-10-18 22:17:22 SMTP -> get_lines(): $str is "250-PIPELINING " 2017-10-18 22:17:22 SMTP -> get_lines(): $data is "250-smtp.gmail.com at your service, [] 250-SIZE 35882577 250-8BITMIME 250-STARTTLS 250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES 250-PIPELINING " 2017-10-18 22:17:22 SMTP -> get_lines(): $str is "250 SMTPUTF8 " 2017-10-18 22:17:22 SERVER -> CLIENT: 250-smtp.gmail.com at your service, [] 250-SIZE 35882577 250-8BITMIME 250-STARTTLS 250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES 250-PIPELINING 250 SMTPUTF8 2017-10-18 22:17:22 CLIENT -> SERVER: STARTTLS 2017-10-18 22:17:22 SMTP -> get_lines(): $data is "" 2017-10-18 22:17:22 SMTP -> get_lines(): $str is "220 2.0.0 Ready to start TLS " 2017-10-18 22:17:22 SERVER -> CLIENT: 220 2.0.0 Ready to start TLS 2017-10-18 22:17:23 Connection failed. Error #2: stream_socket_enable_crypto(): SSL operation failed with code 1. OpenSSL Error messages: error:14090086:SSL routines:ssl3_get_server_certificate:certificate verify failed [C:\wamp\www\loja\class.smtp.php line 375] 2017-10-18 22:17:23 SMTP Error: Could not connect to SMTP host. 2017-10-18 22:17:23 CLIENT -> SERVER: QUIT 2017-10-18 22:17:23 SMTP -> get_lines(): $data is "" 2017-10-18 22:17:23 SMTP -> get_lines(): $str is "" 2017-10-18 22:17:23 SERVER -> CLIENT: 2017-10-18 22:17:23 SMTP ERROR: QUIT command failed: 2017-10-18 22:17:23 Connection: closed 2017-10-18 22:17:23 SMTP connect() failed. https://github.com/PHPMailer/PHPMailer/wiki/Troubleshooting

1 resposta

talvez você precise habilitar seu gmail aqui => https://myaccount.google.com/lesssecureapps