Codigo do index.html
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<body ng-app="starter" ng-controller="ListagemController">
<ion-pane >
<ion-header-bar class="bar-stable">
<h1 class="title">Alura Car</h1>
<ion-item ng-repeat="carro in ListaDeCarros" >
<ion-footer-bar class="bar-stable">
<h1 class="title">Rua Vergueiro, 3185</h1>
Codigo do controller.js
.controller('ListagemController', function($scope) {
$scope.listaDeCarros = ['BMW 120i', 'ONIX 1.6', 'Fiesta 2.0', 'C3 1.0',
'Uno Fire', 'Sentra 2.0', 'Astra Sedan', 'Vectra 2.0 Turbo',
'Hilux 4x4', 'Montana Cabine Dupla', 'Outlander 2.4',
'Fusca 1500'];
OBS: Console do Chrome da zero erros e carrega o controller.js