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Opção Refactor

Existe uma opção Refactor no MySQL para alterar os nomes da tabela e Esquema, e se houver, poderia mudar automaticamente o código etc?

1 resposta


Talvez seja isto que você esteja procurando:


MySQL Workbench: Refactoring Script

What I was looking for is called an "SQL ALTER Script" or a Schema Sync.

Steps to generate a SQL Alter Script with MySQL Workbench:

  1. Open MySQL Workbench
  2. Click File -> New Model
  3. Click Database -> Synchronize With Any Source
  4. Click Next
  5. Select a SQL Dump File as Source (this is the new structure)
  6. Select a SQL Dump File as Destination (this is the old structure)
  7. At Send Updates To select a Folder and Filename where the ALTER Script will be placed.
  8. Click Next
  9. Click Next
  10. Make sure default_schema is checked and Click Next
  11. Click Next
  12. Preview your SQL Code and Click Next
  13. You now successfully generated your SQL Alter Script and it got saved into the specified file.



Fabio I.