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Não existem mais tabelas no banco

Bom dia.

Ontem terminei a segunda aula e desliguei as instancias do servidor e do banco. Hoje ao iniciar as instancias o de banco de dados (RDS) demorou quase 10 min. Ao acessar o endereço :8080/loja me retorna erro 404. Acessei o banco e ele esta sem tabelas.

Your MySQL connection id is 6
Server version: 5.7.22-log Source distribution

Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

MySQL [(none)]> show databases;
| Database           |
| information_schema |
| innodb             |
| mysql              |
| performance_schema |
| projeto_jpa        |
| sys                |
6 rows in set (0.16 sec)

MySQL [(none)]> use projeto_jpa;
Database changed
MySQL [projeto_jpa]> show tables;
Empty set (0.15 sec)

MySQL [projeto_jpa]> 

E nos eventos da instancia do BD tem isso:

Time                                System notes
Wed Sep 19 10:44:02 GMT-300 2018    DB instance started
Wed Sep 19 10:43:23 GMT-300 2018    Recovery of the DB instance is complete.
Wed Sep 19 10:41:05 GMT-300 2018    Recovery of the DB instance has started. Recovery time will vary with the amount of data to be recovered.
Wed Sep 19 10:40:35 GMT-300 2018    Recovery of the DB instance has started. Recovery time will vary with the amount of data to be recovered.
Wed Sep 19 10:40:04 GMT-300 2018    Recovery of the DB instance has started. Recovery time will vary with the amount of data to be recovered.
Wed Sep 19 10:39:34 GMT-300 2018    Recovery of the DB instance has started. Recovery time will vary with the amount of data to be recovered.
Wed Sep 19 10:39:03 GMT-300 2018    Recovery of the DB instance has started. Recovery time will vary with the amount of data to be recovered.
Wed Sep 19 10:38:33 GMT-300 2018    Recovery of the DB instance has started. Recovery time will vary with the amount of data to be recovered.
Wed Sep 19 10:38:03 GMT-300 2018    Recovery of the DB instance has started. Recovery time will vary with the amount of data to be recovered.

Creio que não é normal eu parar uma instancia do banco e quando iniciar apresentar problema... ou eu cheguei a fazer algo errado? Obrigado

1 resposta

Pessoal vou deixar aqui o que consegui fazer para resolver.

Eu refiz os passos de copiar o arquivo loja.war para os dois servidores e após isso ele funcionou.

Imagina se sempre que eu desligar precisar fazer isso...

Se alguém com mais experiência puder me explicar o porque que precisei fazer isso? Depois irei desligar as instancias e verificar se será necessário esses passos novamente?
