vagrant@ubuntu-bionic:~$ ansible wordpress -u vagrant --private-key /vagrant/.vagrant/machines/wordpress/virtualbox/private_key -i hosts -m shell -a 'echo Hello, World' [WARNING]: * Failed to parse /home/vagrant/hosts with script plugin: problem running /home/vagrant/hosts --list ([Errno 8] Exec format error)
[WARNING]: * Failed to parse /home/vagrant/hosts with yaml plugin: Syntax Error while loading YAML. did not find expected The error appears to have been in '/home/vagrant/hosts': line 2, column 1, but may be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem. The offending line appears to be: [wordpress] ^ here
[WARNING]: * Failed to parse /home/vagrant/hosts with ini plugin: /home/vagrant/hosts:4: Section [mysqlserver:vars] not valid for undefined group: mysqlserver
[WARNING]: Unable to parse /home/vagrant/hosts as an inventory source
[WARNING]: No inventory was parsed, only implicit localhost is available
[WARNING]: provided hosts list is empty, only localhost is available. Note that the implicit localhost does not match 'all' | UNREACHABLE! => { "changed": false, "msg": "Failed to connect to the host via ssh: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\r\n@ WARNING: UNPROTECTED PRIVATE KEY FILE! @\r\n@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\r\nPermissions 0777 for '/vagrant/.vagrant/machines/wordpress/virtualbox/private_key' are too open.\r\nIt is required that your private key files are NOT accessible by others.\r\nThis private key will be ignored.\r\nLoad key "/vagrant/.vagrant/machines/wordpress/virtualbox/private_key": bad permissions\r\nvagrant@ Permission denied (publickey).\r\n", "unreachable": true } vagrant@ubuntu-bionic:~$