
Minha Solução

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        <title>Logica III</title>
            style="border-radius: 8px"

            //Set painting and brushToll
            var painting = document.querySelector("#drawArea");
            var brushTool = painting.getContext("2d");

            //Axies and Radius Variables
            var x = 20;
            var y = 20;
            var r = 10;

            //Set Direction Axies X = (Right or Left) and Y = (Up or Down)
            var directionX = 1;
            var directionY = 1;
            var rateMove = 10;

            //Keycode direction
            var left = 37;
            var up = 38;
            var right = 39;
            var down = 40;

            brushTool.fillStyle = "lightgrey";
            brushTool.fillRect(0, 0, 600, 400);

            function drawCircle(xAxies, yAxies, radius) {
                brushTool.fillStyle = "blue";
                brushTool.arc(xAxies, yAxies, radius, 0, Math.PI * 2);

            function paintingClear() {
                brushTool.clearRect(0, 0, 600, 400);

            function updatePainting() {
                drawCircle(x, y, r);

            setInterval(updatePainting, 5);

            function readingKeyboard() {
                //how to know which key was pressed?

                if (event.keyCode == up) {
                    if (y - rateMove > 20) {
                        y = y - rateMove;
                } else if (event.keyCode == down) {
                    if (y + rateMove < 380) {
                        y = y + rateMove;
                } else if (event.keyCode == left) {
                    if (x - rateMove > 20) {
                        x = x - rateMove;
                } else if (event.keyCode == right) {
                    if (x + rateMove < 580) {
                        x = x + rateMove;

            document.onkeydown = readingKeyboard;
1 resposta

Olá, Tainã! Como vai?

Mandou muito bem! Parabéns!

Caso tenha ficado não deixe de compartilhar com a gente.

Continue praticando, bons estudos e até mais! =)