
Mensagem de erro

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{"code":"MarketplacePurchaseEligibilityFailed","message":"Marketplace purchase eligibilty check returned errors. See inner errors for details. ","details":[{"code":"BadRequest","message":"Offer with PublisherId: 'tidalmediainc', OfferId: 'ubuntu-server-18-04-minimal' cannot be purchased due to validation errors. For more information see details. Correlation Id: 'a912572e-7bbe-4495-a8d9-c106e0a7dc7f' The offer with PublisherId: 'tidalmediainc', OfferId: 'ubuntu-server-18-04-minimal' and PlanId: 'ubuntu-server-18-04-minimal' cannot be used on selected subscription to purchase paid marketplace offers. Please choose another subscription or update this one to allow purchases. Learn more https://aka.ms/UpgradeFreeSub, https://aka.ms/Switch-Azure-Offer and https://aka.ms/Change-Credit-Card about updating subscriptions in Azure, Correlation Id: 'a912572e-7bbe-4495-a8d9-c106e0a7dc7f'.[{"The offer with PublisherId: 'tidalmediainc', OfferId: 'ubuntu-server-18-04-minimal' and PlanId: 'ubuntu-server-18-04-minimal' cannot be used on selected subscription to purchase paid marketplace offers. Please choose another subscription or update this one to allow purchases. Learn more https://aka.ms/UpgradeFreeSub, https://aka.ms/Switch-Azure-Offer and https://aka.ms/Change-Credit-Card about updating subscriptions in Azure, Correlation Id: 'a912572e-7bbe-4495-a8d9-c106e0a7dc7f'.":"StoreApi"}]"}]}

OBS. mudei a imagem para Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS – Gen2 e deu certo. acho que é esse o problema. o Gen1 não tem mais suporte.

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