Usando while
e 'string interpolation'.
# Simple guessing game: introduction to Python and PyCharm
print("Let's start our game!")
print("Try to guess what the secret number is. It's between 1 and 99")
secret_number = 42
total_attempt = 3
attempt_count = 1
while attempt_count <= total_attempt:
print("Attempt {} of {}".format(attempt_count, total_attempt))
kick = input("Enter your number: ") # The input receives the value as a string.
attempt = int(kick) # Now, it's necessary to pass from 'str' to 'int'.
print("You typed: ", attempt) # to compare with 'secret_number', which is also 'int'.
you_hit = attempt == secret_number
bigger_hit = attempt > secret_number
lower_hit = attempt < secret_number
if you_hit:
print("You got it right, {} is the secret number!".format(kick))
if bigger_hit:
print("You failed, your number was bigger than secret number!")
elif lower_hit:
print("You failed, your number was lower than secret number!")
attempt_count += 1
print("End Game")