Depois de seguir as instruções a esse erro no fórum "'BrowserModule' does not appear to be an NgModule class" (executei ng update e ng update --all) Surgiu esse problema:
packageGroup metadata of package @angular/cli is malformed. packageGroup metadata of package @angular/cli is malformed. packageGroup metadata of package @angular/cli is malformed. Ignoring. Package "ts-node" has a missing peer dependency of "@swc/core" @ ">=1.2.50". Package "codelyzer" has an incompatible peer dependency to "@angular/compiler" (requires ">=2.3.1 <13.0.0 || ^12.0.0-next || ^12.1.0-next || ^12.2.0-next", would install "16.2.0") Package "@angular/http" has an incompatible peer dependency to "rxjs" (requires "^6.0.0", would install "7.8.1"). Package "bootstrap" has a missing peer dependency of "@popperjs/core" @ "^2.11.8". Package "codelyzer" has an incompatible peer dependency to "@angular/compiler" (requires ">=13.0.0-rc.0 <14.0.0||>=2.3.1 <13.0.0||>=12.0.0-next <13.0.0||>=12.1.0-next <13.0.0||>=12.2.0-next <13.0.0", would install "16.2.0"). Package "codelyzer" has an incompatible peer dependency to "@angular/core" (requires ">=13.0.0-rc.0 <14.0.0||>=2.3.1 <13.0.0||>=12.0.0-next <13.0.0||>=12.1.0-next <13.0.0||>=12.2.0-next <13.0.0", would install "16.2.0"). Package "@angular-devkit/build-angular" has a missing peer dependency of "@angular/localize" @ "^16.0.0". Package "@angular/http" has an incompatible peer dependency to "@angular/platform-browser" (requires ">=8.0.0-rc.0 <9.0.0||7.2.16", would install "16.2.0"). Package "@angular/http" has an incompatible peer dependency to "rxjs" (requires "^6.0.0", would install "7.8.1") Incompatible peer dependencies found. See above.
Porém estou usando as versões ditas pelo instrutor do curso. Por favor, como resolver?