Aparece essa mensagem de "Atenção" no console : 'jquery.min.js:6 [Deprecation] Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user's experience. For more help, check https://xhr.spec.whatwg.org/.' Foi gerado a URL com o "Raw", porém o gráfico não aparece no Chrome e não consegui entender o que fiz de errado.
var dadosJson = $.ajax({
//url: 'dados.json',
url: 'https://gist.githubusercontent.com/amartins/4bdda5481b7cc9fccd7bc11c801915db/raw/4a80277d6c190abab466544d0ab09c828c7cf7bd/dados.json',
mimeType: 'application-json',
dataType: 'json',
async: false
var tabela = new google.visualization.DataTable(dadosJson);
tabela.sort([{column: 1, desc: true}]);
var opcoes = {
title: 'Usuários e Poupanças',
height: 400,
width: 800,
legend: 'none',
hAxis: {
color: 'transparent'
textPosition: 'none'
alwaysOutside: true
var grafico = new google.visualization.BarChart(document.getElementById('graficoBarrasJson'));
grafico.draw(tabela, opcoes);
{ "cols": [ { "label": "Nome", "type": "string" }, { "label": "Valor", "type": "number" },
"type": "string",
"role": "annotation"
"rows": [
{"c": [
{"v": "João Antônio Marques", "f": null},
{"v": 25.110, "f":null},
{"v": "R$25.110", "f":null}
{"c": [
{"v": "Ana Siqueira", "f": null},
{"v": 10.020, "f":null},
{"v": "R$25.110", "f":null}
{"c": [
{"v": "Alcides V. de Oliveira", "f": null},
{"v": 30.240, "f":null},
{"v": "R$30.240", "f":null}
{"c": [
{"v": "Rafael Antunes", "f": null},
{"v": 2.310, "f":null},
{"v": "R$2.310", "f":null}
{"c": [
{"v": "Bianca M. Sampaio", "f": null},
{"v": 8.542, "f":null},
{"v": "R$8.542", "f":null}
{"c": [
{"v": "Victor Barbosa", "f": null},
{"v": 6.521, "f":null},
{"v": "R$6.521", "f":null}
{"c": [
{"v": "Maria do Carmo Prado", "f": null},
{"v": 12.327, "f":null},
{"v": "R$12.327", "f":null}
{"c": [
{"v": "Maria Heloísa de Almeida", "f": null},
{"v": 9.764, "f":null},
{"v": "R$9.764", "f":null}
{"c": [
{"v": "Rita de Cássia Cuaron", "f": null},
{"v": 20.174, "f":null},
{"v": "R$20.174", "f":null}