Olá estou tentando gerar o apk no ionic e estou recebendo o erro abaixo, alguém já passou por algo parecido, estou usando debian 8.
Error: /home/moisesolimpio/Projetos/Mobile/naturavon-app/platforms/android/gradlew: Command failed with exit code 1 Error output: /home/moisesolimpio/Android/Sdk/build-tools/25.0.2/aapt: 3: /home/moisesolimpio/Android/Sdk/build-tools/25.0.2/aapt: Syntax error: Unterminated quoted string
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':CordovaLib:processDebugResources'. com.android.ide.common.process.ProcessException: Failed to execute aapt
Try: Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.