
Errro ao executar o Minikube

minikube v1.0.1 on linux (amd64) Downloading Kubernetes v1.14.1 images in the background ... Tip: Use 'minikube start -p ' to create a new cluster, or 'minikube delete' to delete this one. 2019/05/08 23:59:13 No matching credentials were found, falling back on anonymous 2019/05/08 23:59:13 No matching credentials were found, falling back on anonymous 2019/05/08 23:59:13 No matching credentials were found, falling back on anonymous 2019/05/08 23:59:13 No matching credentials were found, falling back on anonymous 2019/05/08 23:59:13 No matching credentials were found, falling back on anonymous 2019/05/08 23:59:13 No matching credentials were found, falling back on anonymous 2019/05/08 23:59:13 No matching credentials were found, falling back on anonymous 2019/05/08 23:59:13 No matching credentials were found, falling back on anonymous 2019/05/08 23:59:13 No matching credentials were found, falling back on anonymous 2019/05/08 23:59:13 No matching credentials were found, falling back on anonymous 2019/05/08 23:59:13 No matching credentials were found, falling back on anonymous Restarting existing virtualbox VM for "minikube" ...

Unable to start VM: start: Unable to start the VM: /usr/bin/VBoxManage startvm minikube --type headless failed: VBoxManage: error: VT-x is not available (VERR_VMX_NO_VMX) VBoxManage: error: Details: code NS_ERROR_FAILURE (0x80004005), component ConsoleWrap, interface IConsole

Details: 00:00:00.657882 Power up failed (vrc=VERR_VMX_NO_VMX, rc=NS_ERROR_FAILURE (0X80004005))

Sorry that minikube crashed. If this was unexpected, we would love to hear from you: https://github.com/kubernetes/minikube/issues/new

3 respostas

Parece um problema com o virtualbox, tenta rodar:

sudo apt-get purge virtualbox virtualbox-dkms
sudo apt-get install virtualbox-5.1

Existem três possíveis problemas comuns para esse erro:

VT-x não está habilitado na BIOS A CPU não suporta VT-x A virtualização do Hyper-V está ativada no Windows

Eu habilitei o Hyper-V na minha maquina host que o Windows . E mesmo assim o erro persistiu. Depois de muito esfor;o para resolver o problema descobri que o processo Intel nao suporta o VT-x. Apenas os processadores AMD64.

https://github.com/intel/CPU-Manager-for-Kubernetes https://cursos.alura.com.br/forum/topico-erro-ao-executr-minikube-start-83470 `

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