
Erro "terraform init"

provider "aws" {
version = "~> 2.0"
region = "us-east-1"

resource "aws_instance" "dev" {
count = 3
ami = "ami-0a0ddd875a1ea2c7f"
instance_type = "t2.micro"
key_name = "terraform-aws"
tags = {
Name = "dev${count.index}"

Ao executar o init, apresenta o erro abaixo:

Error installing provider "AWS": failed to find installed plugin version 2.70.0; this is a bug in Terraform and should be reported.

Terraform analyses the configuration and state and automatically downloads plugins for the providers used. However, when attempting to download this plugin an unexpected error occurred.

This may be caused if for some reason Terraform is unable to reach the plugin repository. The repository may be unreachable if access is blocked by a firewall.

If automatic installation is not possible or desirable in your environment, you may alternatively manually install plugins by downloading a suitable distribution package and placing the plugin's executable file in the following directory: terraform.d/plugins/linux_amd64

Error: failed to find installed plugin version 2.70.0; this is a bug in Terraform and should be reported

1 resposta

Olá Guilherme, tudo bem? Qual a versão do AWS CLI você está usando? Pode ser algum proxy que esteja bloqueando o trafego para fazer o download desse plugin, nesse caso você poderia tentar usar outra conexão de internet? Ou então verificar se na sua rede tem algum proxy, geralmente em redes corporativas esse erro acontece.

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