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Erro no App.js

Galera estou com o erro abaixo, a app sobe de boa, porém a página inicial nao abre:

Detalhe: A linha 19 da minha classe está assim:

insira seu código aquistore : React.PropTypes.object.isRequired

Download the React DevTools for a better development experience: App.js:19 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'object' of undefined at Object. (App.js:19) at webpack_require (bootstrap 422019f1c6d65df1dc54:555) at fn (bootstrap 422019f1c6d65df1dc54:86) at Object. (index.js:6) at webpack_require (bootstrap 422019f1c6d65df1dc54:555) at fn (bootstrap 422019f1c6d65df1dc54:86) at Object. (bootstrap 422019f1c6d65df1dc54:578) at webpack_require (bootstrap 422019f1c6d65df1dc54:555) at bootstrap 422019f1c6d65df1dc54:578 at bootstrap 422019f1c6d65df1dc54:578 (anonymous) @ App.js:19 webpack_require @ bootstrap 422019f1c6d65df1dc54:555 fn @ bootstrap 422019f1c6d65df1dc54:86 (anonymous) @ index.js:6 webpack_require @ bootstrap 422019f1c6d65df1dc54:555 fn @ bootstrap 422019f1c6d65df1dc54:86 (anonymous) @ bootstrap 422019f1c6d65df1dc54:578 webpack_require @ bootstrap 422019f1c6d65df1dc54:555 (anonymous) @ bootstrap 422019f1c6d65df1dc54:578 (anonymous) @ bootstrap 422019f1c6d65df1dc54:578

1 resposta

Galera resolvi o erro acima instalando o prop-types no projeto:

npm install prop-types --save

Não sei pq cargas d'agua isso aconteceu mas resolvi....

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