
Erro em node modules

O erro ERROR in node_modules/@angular/core/core.d.ts:4495:22 - error NG1010: Value at position 3 in the NgModule.imports of AppModule is not a class

4495 export declare const NgModule: NgModuleDecorator;

O código /**

  • @Annotation
  • @publicApi */ export declare const NgModule: NgModuleDecorator;


  • Type of the NgModule decorator / constructor function. *
  • @publicApi / export declare interface NgModuleDecorator { /*
    • Decorator that marks a class as an NgModule and supplies configuration metadata. */ (obj?: NgModule): TypeDecorator; new (obj?: NgModule): NgModule; }

declare interface NgModuleDefinition extends Definition { providers: NgModuleProviderDef[]; providersByKey: { [tokenKey: string]: NgModuleProviderDef; }; modules: any[]; scope: 'root' | 'platform' | null; }

declare interface NgModuleDefinitionFactory extends DefinitionFactory { }


  • @publicApi */ export declare abstract class NgModuleFactory { abstract get moduleType(): Type; abstract create(parentInjector: Injector | null): NgModuleRef; }


  • Used to load ng module factories. *
  • @publicApi
  • @deprecated the string form of loadChildren is deprecated, and NgModuleFactoryLoader is
  • part of its implementation. See LoadChildren for more details. */ export declare abstract class NgModuleFactoryLoader { abstract load(path: string): Promise<NgModuleFactory>; }

declare interface NgModuleProviderDef { flags: ɵNodeFlags; index: number; token: any; value: any; deps: DepDef[]; }


  • Represents an instance of an NgModule created by an NgModuleFactory.
  • Provides access to the NgModule instance and related objects. *
  • @publicApi / export declare abstract class NgModuleRef { /*
    • The injector that contains all of the providers of the NgModule. / abstract get injector(): Injector; /*
    • The resolver that can retrieve the component factories
    • declared in the entryComponents property of the module. / abstract get componentFactoryResolver(): ComponentFactoryResolver; /*
    • The NgModule instance. / abstract get instance(): T; /*
    • Destroys the module instance and all of the data structures associated with it. / abstract destroy(): void; /*
    • Registers a callback to be executed when the module is destroyed. */ abstract onDestroy(callback: () => void): void; }


  • A token for third-party components that can register themselves with NgProbe. *
  • @publicApi */ export declare class NgProbeToken { name: string; token: any; constructor(name: string, token: any); }
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