O que ocorreu? não consegui entender o motivo .
LogPlayLevel: Error: ERROR: cmd.exe failed with args /c "D:\Arquitetura Projetos\ProjetolifeVR\Intermediate/Android/APK\gradle\rungradle.bat" :app:assembleDebug LogPlayLevel: (see C:\Users\Guilh\AppData\Roaming\Unreal Engine\AutomationTool\Logs\D+epic+games+UE_4.21\Log.txt for full exception trace) LogPlayLevel: AutomationTool exiting with ExitCode=1 (Error_Unknown) LogPlayLevel: Completed Launch On Stage: Deploy Task, Time: 26.302421 LogPlayLevel: BUILD FAILED PackagingResults: Error: Launch failed! Unknown Error LogSlate: Only BGRA pngs, bmps or icos are supported in by External Image Picker LogTemp: Executing iPhonePackager certificates Engine -bundlename com.YourCompany.ProjetolifeVR LogTemp: CWD: D:\epic games\UE_4.21\Engine\Binaries\DotNET\IOS LogTemp: Initial Dir: D:\epic games\UE_4.21 LogTemp: Env CWD: D:\epic games\UE_4.21\Engine\Binaries\DotNET\IOS LogTemp: BranchPath = DESKTOP-QC39DVS/D/epic games/UE_4.21/Engine/Binaries --- GameBranchPath = DESKTOP-QC39DVS/D/epic games/UE_4.21/Engine/Binaries LogTemp: IPP ERROR: Could not find provision directory 'C:\Users\Guilh\AppData\Local/Apple Computer/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/'. LogSlate: Window 'Project Settings' being destroyed LogSlate: Window 'Project Settings' being destroyed LogSlate: Window 'ProjectLauncher' being destroyed LogSlate: Window 'ProjectLauncher' being destroyed