Esta retornando o seguinte: C:\Users\roberta.longoni\Desktop_alura\C#_arquivos_CSharp>csc.exe Microsoft (R) Visual C# Compiler version 4.8.3752.0 for C# 5 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
This compiler is provided as part of the Microsoft (R) .NET Framework, but only supports language versions up to C# 5, which is no longer the latest version. For compilers that support newer versions of the C# programming language, see
warning CS2008: No source files specified error CS1562: Outputs without source must have the /out option specified
C:\Users\roberta.longoni\Desktop_alura\C#_arquivos_CSharp>csc.exe meu_primeiro_programa.txt Microsoft (R) Visual C# Compiler version 4.8.3752.0 for C# 5 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
This compiler is provided as part of the Microsoft (R) .NET Framework, but only supports language versions up to C# 5, which is no longer the latest version. For compilers that support newer versions of the C# programming language, see
meu_primeiro_programa.txt(3,1): error CS0116: A namespace cannot directly contain members such as fields or methods meu_primeiro_programa.txt(5,9): error CS1518: Expected class, delegate, enum, interface, or struct meu_primeiro_programa.txt(5,26): error CS1001: Identifier expected meu_primeiro_programa.txt(5,28): error CS1518: Expected class, delegate, enum, interface, or struct meu_primeiro_programa.txt(9,1): error CS1022: Type or namespace definition, or end-of-file expected