Quando tento fazer a clonagem acontece esse erro:
$ $ git clone git clone https://github.com/jcfonsecagit/repositorio.git
bash: $: command not found
Quando tento fazer a clonagem acontece esse erro:
$ $ git clone git clone https://github.com/jcfonsecagit/repositorio.git
bash: $: command not found
Oi Riba, tudo bem?
Esse erro está acontecendo, porque você está digitando o $
. Para resolver, basta digitar o comando sem o cifrão:
git clone git clone https://github.com/jcfonsecagit/repositorio.git
Olá Yuri, Não deu certo Olha o que ele retornou:
$ git clone git clone https://github.com/jcfonsecagit/repositorio.git
fatal: Too many arguments.
usage: git clone [<options>] [--] <repo> [<dir>]
-v, --verbose be more verbose
-q, --quiet be more quiet
--progress force progress reporting
-n, --no-checkout don't create a checkout
--bare create a bare repository
--mirror create a mirror repository (implies bare)
-l, --local to clone from a local repository
--no-hardlinks don't use local hardlinks, always copy
-s, --shared setup as shared repository
initialize submodules in the clone
-j, --jobs <n> number of submodules cloned in parallel
--template <template-directory>
directory from which templates will be used
--reference <repo> reference repository
--reference-if-able <repo>
reference repository
--dissociate use --reference only while cloning
-o, --origin <name> use <name> instead of 'origin' to track upstream
-b, --branch <branch>
checkout <branch> instead of the remote's HEAD
-u, --upload-pack <path>
path to git-upload-pack on the remote
--depth <depth> create a shallow clone of that depth
--shallow-since <time>
create a shallow clone since a specific time
--shallow-exclude <revision>
deepen history of shallow clone, excluding rev
--single-branch clone only one branch, HEAD or --branch
--no-tags don't clone any tags, and make later fetches not to follow them
--shallow-submodules any cloned submodules will be shallow
--separate-git-dir <gitdir>
separate git dir from working tree
-c, --config <key=value>
set config inside the new repository
-4, --ipv4 use IPv4 addresses only
-6, --ipv6 use IPv6 addresses only
--filter <args> object filtering
Oi Riba, tudo bem?
Desculpa, o comando que te passei foi errado, digitei o git clone duas vezes haha. O comando certo é esse aqui:
git clone https://github.com/jcfonsecagit/repositorio.git
Desculpa o engano.