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Erro ao tentar subir o servidor

Seguir todos os passos do curso de Spring MVC, tudo correto até esse momento. Quando clico pra rodar o projeto apresenta erro e as seguintes mensagens:

Error creating bean with name 'entityManagerFactory' defined in class com.cartorio.crud.conf.JPAConfiguration: Invocation of init method failed; nested exception is javax.persistence.PersistenceException: [PersistenceUnit: default] Unable to build Hibernate SessionFactory Caused by: javax.persistence.PersistenceException: [PersistenceUnit: default] Unable to build Hibernate SessionFactory Caused by: org.hibernate.exception.GenericJDBCException: Unable to open JDBC Connection for DDL execution Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: The server time zone value 'BRT' is unrecognized or represents more than one time zone. You must configure either the server or JDBC driver (via the serverTimezone configuration property) to use a more specifc time zone value if you want to utilize time zone support. Caused by: com.mysql.cj.core.exceptions.InvalidConnectionAttributeException: The server time zone value 'BRT' is unrecognized or represents more than one time zone. You must configure either the server or JDBC driver (via the serverTimezone configuration property) to use a more specifc time zone value if you want to utilize time zone support.

Meu banco esta com user e password = root

Alguem sabe como resolver ?

2 respostas


Existem algumas possíveis soluções. Dê uma olhada em:

Té mais,

Opa, vlw mesmo cara. Resolveu quando mudei a string do banco de dados para jdbc:mysql://localhost/-nome do banco-?useUnicode=true&useJDBCCompliantTimezoneShift=true&useLegacyDatetimeCode=false&serverTimezone=UTC