
Erro ao obter o name com o state

Boa tarde a todos!

Estou tendo um erro de compilação ao tentar obter o name através do state (final name = context.read()< NameCubit >().state;); segue abaixo o código:

class DashboardView extends StatelessWidget {

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    final name = context.read()<NameCubit>().state;

    return Scaffold(
      resizeToAvoidBottomInset: false,
      appBar: AppBar(
        title: Center(child: Text('Bytebank - Welcome $name')),
      body: Column(
          mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween,
          crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
          children: <Widget>[
              padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
              child: Image.asset('images/bytebank_logo.png'),
              height: 120,
              child: ListView(
                scrollDirection: Axis.horizontal,
                children: [
                  _FeatureItem('Transfer', Icons.monetization_on,
                    onClick:() => _showContactsList(context) ,

                  _FeatureItem('Transaction Feed',
                      onClick:() => _showTransactionsList(context)

                  _FeatureItem('Change Name', Icons.person_outline,
                    onClick:() => _showChangeName(context) ,

Segue o erro:

======== Exception caught by widgets library =======================================================
The following assertion was thrown building DashboardView(dirty):
Tried to call Provider.of<dynamic>. This is likely a mistake and is therefore

If you want to expose a variable that can be anything, consider changing
`dynamic` to `Object` instead.
Failed assertion: line 307 pos 7: 'T != dynamic'

The relevant error-causing widget was: 
  DashboardView file:///D:/Programacao/Estudos/Alura/Flutter/bytebank_bloc/lib/screens/dashboard.dart:13:14
When the exception was thrown, this was the stack: 
#2      Provider._inheritedElementOf (package:provider/src/provider.dart:307:7)
#3      Provider.of (package:provider/src/provider.dart:284:30)
#4      ReadContext.read (package:provider/src/provider.dart:610:21)
#5      DashboardView.build (package:bytebank/screens/dashboard.dart:22:26)
#6      StatelessElement.build (package:flutter/src/widgets/framework.dart:4569:28)

======== Exception caught by widgets library =======================================================
The following assertion was thrown building DashboardView(dirty):
Tried to call Provider.of<dynamic>. This is likely a mistake and is therefore

If you want to expose a variable that can be anything, consider changing
`dynamic` to `Object` instead.
Failed assertion: line 307 pos 7: 'T != dynamic'

The relevant error-causing widget was: 
  DashboardView file:///D:/Programacao/Estudos/Alura/Flutter/bytebank_bloc/lib/screens/dashboard.dart:13:14
When the exception was thrown, this was the stack: 
#2      Provider._inheritedElementOf (package:provider/src/provider.dart:307:7)
#3      Provider.of (package:provider/src/provider.dart:284:30)
#4      ReadContext.read (package:provider/src/provider.dart:610:21)
#5      DashboardView.build (package:bytebank/screens/dashboard.dart:22:26)
#6      StatelessElement.build (package:flutter/src/widgets/framework.dart:4569:28)

Desde já agradeço a ajuda!


1 resposta

Esta assim: final name = context.read()<NameCubit>().state;

Muda para: final name = context.read<NameCubit>().state;

Dentro do Build do seu DashboardView

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