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Erro ao iniciar o Widfly

Pessoal, não estou conseguindo iniciar o Widfly, aparece o erro abaixo Como posso resolver? Desde ja Agradeõ pela ajuda.

Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: The server time zone value 'Hora Padr?o Brasil Central' is unrecognized or represents more than one time zone. You must configure either the server or JDBC driver (via the serverTimezone configuration property) to use a more specifc time zone value if you want to utilize time zone support. 21:15:18,385 WARN [org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.env.internal.JdbcEnvironmentInitiator] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 18) HHH000342: Could not obtain connection to query metadata : javax.resource.ResourceException: IJ000453: Unable to get managed connection for java:jboss/datasources/AgendamentoDS 21:15:18,386 ERROR [] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 18) MSC000001: Failed to start service jboss.persistenceunit."agendamentoemail-1.0-SNAPSHOT#agendamento": org.jboss.msc.service.StartException in service jboss.persistenceunit."agendamentoemail-1.0-SNAPSHOT#agendamento": org.hibernate.service.spi.ServiceException: Unable to create requested service [org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.env.spi.JdbcEnvironment]

Caused by: org.hibernate.service.spi.ServiceException: Unable to create requested service [org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.env.spi.JdbcEnvironment]$1$ Caused by: org.hibernate.HibernateException: Access to DialectResolutionInfo cannot be null when 'hibernate.dialect' not set

21:15:18,391 ERROR [] (management-handler-thread - 1) WFLYCTL0013: Operation ("deploy") failed - address: ([("deployment" => "agendamentoemail-1.0-SNAPSHOT")]) - failure description: {"WFLYCTL0080: Failed services" => {"jboss.persistenceunit."agendamentoemail-1.0-SNAPSHOT#agendamento"" => "org.hibernate.service.spi.ServiceException: Unable to create requested service [org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.env.spi.JdbcEnvironment]

1 resposta

Pessoal, consegui resolver setando a variável global time_zone do servidor. SET @@global.time_zone = '+3:00';