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erro ao executar o ionic resource


ao executar tive o seguinte erro:

MacBook-Pro-de-Paulo-Peres:garconapp usuariobr$ ionic resource
 Dependency warning - for the CLI to run correctly,      
 it is highly recommended to install/upgrade the following:     

 Install ios-sim to deploy iOS applications.`npm install -g ios-sim` (may require sudo)

  _             _          
 (_)           (_)         
  _  ___  _ __  _  ___     
 | |/ _ \| '_ \| |/ __| 
 | | (_) | | | | | (__     
 |_|\___/|_| |_|_|\___|  CLI v2.2.3

Usage: ionic task args

resource is not a valid task

Available tasks: 
(use --help or -h for more info)

   start  ..........  Starts a new Ionic project in the specified PATH
   serve  ..........  Start a local development server for app dev/testing
   setup  ..........  Configure the project with a build tool (beta)
   generate  .......  Generate pages and components
   platform  .......  Add platform target for building an Ionic app
   run  ............  Run an Ionic project on a connected device
   emulate  ........  Emulate an Ionic project on a simulator or emulator
   build  ..........  Build (prepare + compile) an Ionic project for a given platform.

   plugin  .........  Add a Cordova plugin
   resources  ......  Automatically create icon and splash screen resources (beta)
              Put your images in the ./resources directory, named splash or icon.
              Accepted file types are .png, .ai, and .psd.
              Icons should be 192x192 px without rounded corners.
              Splashscreens should be 2208x2208 px, with the image centered in the middle.

   upload  .........  Upload an app to your Ionic account
   share  ..........  Share an app with a client, co-worker, friend, or customer
   lib  ............  Gets Ionic library version or updates the Ionic library
   login  ..........  Login to your Ionic account
   io  .............  Integrate your app with Ionic Cloud services
   security  .......  Store your app's credentials for the Ionic Cloud
   push  ...........  Upload APNS and GCM credentials to Ionic Push
   package  ........  Use Ionic Package to build your app
   config  .........  Set configuration variables for your ionic app
   service  ........  Add an Ionic service package and install any required plugins
   add  ............  Add an Ion, bower component, or addon to the project
   remove  .........  Remove an Ion, bower component, or addon from the project
   list  ...........  List Ions, bower components, or addons in the project
   info  ...........  List information about the users runtime environment
   help  ...........  Provides help for a certain command
   link  ...........  Sets your Ionic App ID for your project
   hooks  ..........  Manage your Ionic Cordova hooks
   state  ..........  Saves or restores state of your Ionic Application using the package.json file
   docs  ...........  Opens up the documentation for Ionic
5 respostas

Olha, eu não manjo de ionic, mas não parece um erro.. é um warning, geralmente significa que vc segue apenas se quiser. Tentou rodar o npm install que ele sugere?

Não é um erro, é apenas um warning. Faça o seguinte: 1. cordova telemetry on 2. Espere pela mensagem de agradecimento 3. cordova telemetry off 4. Espere pela mensagem de confirmação 5. ionic info

O quinto passo é apenas para verificar se a mensagem sumiu ou não.


Fiz exatamente como me disse e deu essa mensagem no ionic info

MacBook-Pro-de-Paulo-Peres:garconapp usuariobr$ ionic info
 Dependency warning - for the CLI to run correctly,      
 it is highly recommended to install/upgrade the following:     

 Install ios-sim to deploy iOS applications.`npm install -g ios-sim` (may require sudo)


Your system information:

Cordova CLI: 6.5.0 
Ionic CLI Version: 2.2.3
Ionic App Lib Version: 2.2.1
ios-deploy version: 1.9.1 
ios-sim version: Not installed
OS: macOS Sierra
Node Version: v7.3.0
Xcode version: Xcode 8.3.2 Build version 8E2002

 Dependency warning - for the CLI to run correctly,      
 it is highly recommended to install/upgrade the following:     

 Install ios-sim to deploy iOS applications.`npm install -g ios-sim` (may require sudo)


O tentar executar o ionic resource deu o mesmo erro

Reinstalei o ios-sim e o worning saiu, porém quando executo o "ionic resource" da esse erro:

ionic resource
  _             _          
 (_)           (_)         
  _  ___  _ __  _  ___     
 | |/ _ \| '_ \| |/ __| 
 | | (_) | | | | | (__     
 |_|\___/|_| |_|_|\___|  CLI v2.2.3

Usage: ionic task args

resource is not a valid task

Available tasks: 
(use --help or -h for more info)

   start  ..........  Starts a new Ionic project in the specified PATH
   serve  ..........  Start a local development server for app dev/testing
   setup  ..........  Configure the project with a build tool (beta)
   generate  .......  Generate pages and components
   platform  .......  Add platform target for building an Ionic app
   run  ............  Run an Ionic project on a connected device
   emulate  ........  Emulate an Ionic project on a simulator or emulator
   build  ..........  Build (prepare + compile) an Ionic project for a given platform.

   plugin  .........  Add a Cordova plugin
   resources  ......  Automatically create icon and splash screen resources (beta)
              Put your images in the ./resources directory, named splash or icon.
              Accepted file types are .png, .ai, and .psd.
              Icons should be 192x192 px without rounded corners.
              Splashscreens should be 2208x2208 px, with the image centered in the middle.

   upload  .........  Upload an app to your Ionic account
   share  ..........  Share an app with a client, co-worker, friend, or customer
   lib  ............  Gets Ionic library version or updates the Ionic library
   login  ..........  Login to your Ionic account
   io  .............  Integrate your app with Ionic Cloud services
   security  .......  Store your app's credentials for the Ionic Cloud
   push  ...........  Upload APNS and GCM credentials to Ionic Push
   package  ........  Use Ionic Package to build your app
   config  .........  Set configuration variables for your ionic app
   service  ........  Add an Ionic service package and install any required plugins
   add  ............  Add an Ion, bower component, or addon to the project
   remove  .........  Remove an Ion, bower component, or addon from the project
   list  ...........  List Ions, bower components, or addons in the project
   info  ...........  List information about the users runtime environment
   help  ...........  Provides help for a certain command
   link  ...........  Sets your Ionic App ID for your project
   hooks  ..........  Manage your Ionic Cordova hooks
   state  ..........  Saves or restores state of your Ionic Application using the package.json file
   docs  ...........  Opens up the documentation for Ionic

Perdão pessoal, o erro era meu. 1) eu tinha criado a pasta resource no diretorio errado. 2) eu estava executando ionico resource, estava faltando o "s" no final.

Agora funcionou. Obrigado!