
Erro ao criar pod sistema-noticias-statefulset

Olá Daniel,

Estou com o seguinte erro ao criar o pod do sistema-noticias-statefulset:

Unable to attach or mount volumes: unmounted volumes=[imagens], unattached volumes=[imagens sessao default-token-4vcdt]: timed out waiting for the condition

Lembrando, que estou usando o docker via Windows.

Desde já agradeço

1 resposta

Só complementando, segue minhas saidas do PV e PVC


REASON AGE pvc-1d01e95f-028e-4239-a70a-b166cf867955 1Gi RWO Delete Bound default/imagens-pvc hostpath 29m pvc-c05c2112-1590-4942-8d78-e661e27ed451 1Gi RWO Delete Bound default/sessao-pvc hostpath 29m


NAME STATUS VOLUME CAPACITY ACCESS MODES STORAGECLASS AGE imagens-pvc Bound pvc-1d01e95f-028e-4239-a70a-b166cf867955 1Gi RWO hostpath 29m sessao-pvc Bound pvc-c05c2112-1590-4942-8d78-e661e27ed451 1Gi RWO hostpath 29m
