Ao gerar o arquivo data.sql, da erro na compilação. O arquivo e as entidades são as mesmas do curso, não sei por que esta com erro.
2019-10-17 21:07:09.457 INFO 4909 --- [ restartedMain] : Starting ForumApplication on silverfox with PID 4909 (/home/silverfox/forum/target/classes started by silverfox in /home/silverfox/forum) 2019-10-17 21:07:09.460 INFO 4909 --- [ restartedMain] : No active profile set, falling back to default profiles: default 2019-10-17 21:07:09.518 INFO 4909 --- [ restartedMain] .e.DevToolsPropertyDefaultsPostProcessor : Devtools property defaults active! Set 'spring.devtools.add-properties' to 'false' to disable 2019-10-17 21:07:09.518 INFO 4909 --- [ restartedMain] .e.DevToolsPropertyDefaultsPostProcessor : For additional web related logging consider setting the 'logging.level.web' property to 'DEBUG' 2019-10-17 21:07:10.353 INFO 4909 --- [ restartedMain] .s.d.r.c.RepositoryConfigurationDelegate : Bootstrapping Spring Data repositories in DEFAULT mode. 2019-10-17 21:07:10.381 INFO 4909 --- [ restartedMain] .s.d.r.c.RepositoryConfigurationDelegate : Finished Spring Data repository scanning in 17ms. Found 0 repository interfaces. 2019-10-17 21:07:10.922 INFO 4909 --- [ restartedMain] trationDelegate$BeanPostProcessorChecker : Bean 'org.springframework.transaction.annotation.ProxyTransactionManagementConfiguration' of type [org.springframework.transaction.annotation.ProxyTransactionManagementConfiguration$$EnhancerBySpringCGLIB$$d77920f] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying) 2019-10-17 21:07:11.395 INFO 4909 --- [ restartedMain] o.s.b.w.embedded.tomcat.TomcatWebServer : Tomcat initialized with port(s): 8080 (http) 2019-10-17 21:07:11.443 INFO 4909 --- [ restartedMain] o.apache.catalina.core.StandardService : Starting service [Tomcat] 2019-10-17 21:07:11.444 INFO 4909 --- [ restartedMain] org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine : Starting Servlet engine: [Apache Tomcat/9.0.26] 2019-10-17 21:07:11.594 INFO 4909 --- [ restartedMain] o.a.c.c.C.[Tomcat].[localhost].[/] : Initializing Spring embedded WebApplicationContext 2019-10-17 21:07:11.594 INFO 4909 --- [ restartedMain] o.s.web.context.ContextLoader : Root WebApplicationContext: initialization completed in 2076 ms 2019-10-17 21:07:11.834 INFO 4909 --- [ restartedMain] com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource : HikariPool-1 - Starting... 2019-10-17 21:07:12.048 INFO 4909 --- [ restartedMain] com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource : HikariPool-1 - Start completed. 2019-10-17 21:07:12.106 INFO 4909 --- [ restartedMain] o.hibernate.jpa.internal.util.LogHelper : HHH000204: Processing PersistenceUnitInfo [ name: default ...] 2019-10-17 21:07:12.184 INFO 4909 --- [ restartedMain] org.hibernate.Version : HHH000412: Hibernate Core {5.3.12.Final} 2019-10-17 21:07:12.186 INFO 4909 --- [ restartedMain] org.hibernate.cfg.Environment : HHH000206: not found 2019-10-17 21:07:12.367 INFO 4909 --- [ restartedMain] o.hibernate.annotations.common.Version : HCANN000001: Hibernate Commons Annotations {5.0.4.Final} 2019-10-17 21:07:12.541 INFO 4909 --- [ restartedMain] org.hibernate.dialect.Dialect : HHH000400: Using dialect: org.hibernate.dialect.H2Dialect 2019-10-17 21:07:12.909 INFO 4909 --- [ restartedMain] j.LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean : Initialized JPA EntityManagerFactory for persistence unit 'default' 2019-10-17 21:07:12.948 INFO 4909 --- [ restartedMain] o.s.b.d.a.OptionalLiveReloadServer : LiveReload server is running on port 35729 2019-10-17 21:07:12.971 WARN 4909 --- [ restartedMain] ConfigServletWebServerApplicationContext : Exception encountered during context initialization - cancelling refresh attempt: org.springf