O jogo funciona normalmente, mas quando atinjo certa pontuação, aparece a seguinte mensagem:
p5.js says: [ator.js, line 28] "meuPontos" is not defined in the current scope. If you have defined it in your code, you should check its scope, spelling, and letter-casing (JavaScript is case-sensitive).
- More info: https://p5js.org/examples/data-variable-scope.html ┌[blob:https://preview.p5js.org/1345469c-737f-4fad-94cf-40b81e4cb839:28:8] Error at line 28 in marcaPontos() └[blob:https://preview.p5js.org/556b066d-47e1-40fc-b8ca-ba8e3b70d384:16:3] Called from line 16 in draw()