Ao subir o node no DockerCloud, recebo o erro abaixo. Refiz o exercício seguindo o roteiro de aula, bem como com o roteiro do Docker Cloud, ambos com o mesmo resultado.
Como corrigir?
Deploying node cluster dockercloud-node 4ec8093b-rafaelwalter: Deploying to Amazon Web Services/us-east-2 4ec8093b-rafaelwalter: Docker Cloud does not work with private subnets. Please do not use 'subnet-56e3ec3f' subnet to deploy your nodes or make it public. 4ec8093b-rafaelwalter: Instance is now terminated in Amazon Web Services ERROR: 4ec8093b-rafaelwalter: There are no availability zones in Amazon Web Services/us-east-2 region with the current restrictions to launch the instance 4ec8093b-rafaelwalter: Reallocating containers in other nodes... 4ec8093b-rafaelwalter: Reallocation done! ERROR: Node Cluster Deploy action on 'dockercloud-node' in region 'Amazon Web Services/us-east-2' has failed