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Composer phan Classe Student

Boa noite Professor.

Eu usei o phan para verificar o código no projeto de PDO (praticar um pouco composer), e apareceu um comentário sobre o type do id , que null não é compátivel, poderia esclarecer a resposta do phan,pois não entendi muito bem.

src\Domain\Model\Student.php:13 PhanPossiblyNullTypeMismatchProperty Assigning $this->id of type ?int to property but \Alura\Pdo\Domain\Model\Student->id is int (null is incompatible)

11 respostas

Me mostra seu código todo, Bruno, por favor?

Código da classe Student


namespace Alura\Pdo\Domain\Model;

class Student
    private ?int $id;
    private string $name;
    private \DateTimeInterface $birthDate;

    public function __construct(?int $id, string $name, \DateTimeInterface $birthDate)
        $this->id = $id;
        $this->name = $name;
        $this->birthDate = $birthDate;

    public function id(): ?int
        return $this->id;

    public function name(): string
        return $this->name;

    public function birthDate(): \DateTimeInterface
        return $this->birthDate;

    public function age(): int
        return $this->birthDate
            ->diff(new \DateTimeImmutable())

Fala, Bruno.

Parece tudo ok. Tenta atualizaro Phan e vê se continua apontando o erro.

Fala, Bruno.

Atualizar resolveu

Boa noite professor.

Então , eu rodei o composer update, e insiste nesse mesmo erro.

Me passa seu arquivo .phan/config.php pra eu testar aqui, Bruno?



  • This configuration will be read and overlaid on top of the

  • default configuration. Command line arguments will be applied

  • after this file is read. */ return [

    // Supported values: '5.6', '7.0', '7.1', '7.2', '7.3', '7.4', null. // If this is set to null, // then Phan assumes the PHP version which is closest to the minor version // of the php executable used to execute Phan. "target_php_version" => null,

    // A list of directories that should be parsed for class and // method information. After excluding the directories // defined in exclude_analysis_directory_list, the remaining // files will be statically analyzed for errors. // // Thus, both first-party and third-party code being used by // your application should be included in this list. 'directory_list' => [



    // A directory list that defines files that will be excluded // from static analysis, but whose class and method // information should be included. // // Generally, you'll want to include the directories for // third-party code (such as "vendor/") in this list. // // n.b.: If you'd like to parse but not analyze 3rd // party code, directories containing that code // should be added to the directory_list as // to exclude_analysis_directory_list. "exclude_analysis_directory_list" => [



    // A list of plugin files to execute. // Plugins which are bundled with Phan can be added here by providing their name // (e.g. 'AlwaysReturnPlugin') // // Documentation about available bundled plugins can be found // at // // Alternately, you can pass in the full path to a PHP file // with the plugin's implementation (e.g. 'vendor/phan/phan/.phan/plugins/AlwaysReturnPlugin.php') 'plugins' => [

     // checks if a function, closure or method unconditionally returns.
     // can also be written as 'vendor/phan/phan/.phan/plugins/AlwaysReturnPlugin.php'
     // Checks for syntactically unreachable statements in
     // the global scope or function bodies.

    ], ];

Bruno, anotando a propriedade com `/** @var int|null */ fez o phan calar a boca aqui. Parece ser um falso positivo.

Reporta aqui pra eles darem uma olhada:

Eu adiciono o /** @var int|null */ no arquivo config dentro do .phan ?


Não, Bruno. Na propriedade que ele reclama estar errada (o ID, no caso)

Funcionou, valeu!!