
Composer install do projeto da erro

Generating optimized autoload files Class Egulias\EmailValidator\Exception\ExpectedQPair located in ./vendor/egulias/email-validator/EmailValidator/Exception/ExpectingQPair.php does not comply with psr-4 autoloading standard. Skipping.

Illuminate\Foundation\ComposerScripts::postAutoloadDump @php artisan package:discover --ansi Xdebug: [Step Debug] Could not connect to debugging client. Tried: localhost:9003 (through xdebug.client_host/xdebug.client_port) :-(

In PackageManifest.php line 122:

Undefined index: name

Script @php artisan package:discover --ansi handling the post-autoload-dump event returned with error code 1

1 resposta

Oi, Samuel. Qual a versão do PHP e do composer você tem instalada? Vou tentar reproduzir aqui.

composer update resolve o problema?