17:14 * daemon not running; starting now at tcp:5037
17:14 * daemon started successfully
17:15 File type recognized: File extension .analysis_options was reassigned to YAML Revert
ei galera help me don't joinhs help
17:14 * daemon not running; starting now at tcp:5037
17:14 * daemon started successfully
17:15 File type recognized: File extension .analysis_options was reassigned to YAML Revert
ei galera help me don't joinhs help
Olá Cleofas, tudo bem?
De qual curso se trata esse problema? Se for possível compartilhar o repositório do seu projeto e também mencionar em qual parte da aula está ocorrendo isso nos ajudaria a entender melhor do que se trata ;)
Fico no aguardo. Bons estudos!