Plano de Estudo

Backend-Focused Dotnet Guide

50 cursos
2 lives/videos
10 posts

Learning Objectives -

  • Understand the .NET Ecosystem: Gain a solid foundation in the .NET framework, its components, and how it fits into the modern software development landscape.

  • Backend Fundamentals: Learn the core principles of backend development, including RESTful APIs, data persistence, and good pratices.

Key Modules -

  • Introduction to .NET and C#: Start with the basics of .NET and the C# programming language.

  • Building RESTful APIs: Learn how to design and implement RESTful services using ASP.NET Core.

  • Data Access with Entity Framework: Master the principles of data access, including working with Entity Framework Core.

  • Security in .NET Applications: Explore best practices for securing your applications, including authentication and authorization.

  • Testing and Debugging: Develop skills in writing unit tests, integration tests, and debugging techniques to ensure code quality.

  • Good pratices and Maintaince: Enhance your code quality by applying SOLID principles and Clean Code practices, ensuring maintainable and robust software.

Criado por Andre Mariano Neres

67.9k xp

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